List of PGRFA associated to project PR-316-Uganda (1061-1080 of 1123)
10.18730/ZPXBKSorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXCMSorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXDNSorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXEPSorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXFQSorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXGRSorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXHSSorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXJTSorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXKVSorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXMWSorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXNXSorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXPYSorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXQZSorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXR*Sorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXS~Sorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXT$Sorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXV=Sorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXWUSorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXX0Sorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda
10.18730/ZPXY1Sorghum bicolorBomvitae Agro Industries Ltd., Uganda