Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (1-20 of 18171)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00AC42(not set)(not set)Crop Research InstituteCzech Republic
00AE87(not set)(not set)National plant Genetic Resources LaboratoryPhilippines
00RH71ZWE049GRBIGenetic Resources and Biotechnology Institute - Department of Research and Specialist ServicesZimbabwe
00BD44ZWE049GRBIGenetic Resources and Biotechnology InstituteZimbabwe
00AS30ZMB048NPGRCZambia Agriculture Research InstituteZambia
00BP81ZMB030SRGBSADC Plant Genetic Resources CentreZambia
00BC88YEM061NGRCAgriculture Research and Extension AuthorityYemen
00AX14USA126GRINUSDAUnited States of America
00DY75URY289RNSNCRed Nacional de Semillas Nativas y CriollasUruguay
00AI94URY003INIA LEInstituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria - INIA UruguayUruguay
00AB86UGA031NARONational Agricultural Research Organisation Uganda
00AD43TWN001AVRDCWorld Vegetable CenterChinese Taipei (Taiwan)
00AU10TUR113IWWIPInternational Winter Wheat Improvement ProgramRepublic of Türkiye
00AP30TUN029BNGNational Genebank of TunisiaTunisia
00NB81TCD022ITRADInstitut Tchadien de Recherche Agronomique pour le DéveloppementChad
00BM25SVN019AISLJAgricultural Institute of SloveniaSlovenia
00DQ65SRB002IFVCNSInstitute of Field and Vegetable CropsSerbia
00AB66SDN002ARCAgricultural Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Research Centre, Agricultural Research CorporationSudan
00RG35RWA023RABRwanda Agriculture and Livestock Development Board Rwanda