Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (221-240 of 18186)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00RD19(not set)Sergio Mas de PabloSpain
00RD21(not set)Ermanno TorresanItaly
00RD23(not set)massimo AcquaroItaly
00RD25(not set)Antonio Pio CentonzeItaly
00RD31(not set)Mauro MattucciItaly
00RD33(not set)Eufrasio Higueras GallardoSpain
00RD37(not set)Lieke GeessinckNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00RD45(not set)ANNA MESCHINIItaly
00RD51(not set)Jorge Israel Ávila AlonsoSpain
00RD85(not set)MARIA ELENA REMOLIItaly
00RD91(not set)Arianna AbatangeloItaly
00RD97(not set)Mario La FortezzaItaly
00BQ85(not set)Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear AgricultureBangladesh
00RE03(not set)Helena OlędzkaPoland
00JR05(not set)Angela SchmuckGermany
00RE37(not set)Martina ManfrinItaly
00RE93(not set)Brigitte KischelGermany
00OB93(not set)Michaela ProjahnGermany
00RF65(not set)Simone GIANIItaly
00QV23(not set)Simone BenevelliItaly