Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (301-320 of 18186)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00AZ71(not set)Crops For the FutureMalaysia
00BV93(not set)Neve TagliettiItaly
00BV71(not set)Klaus DahlGermany
00BW91(not set)Roberta PizzicaraItaly
00BX07(not set)lisa moscaraItaly
00BX23(not set)Beatrice RizziItaly
00BX39(not set)Giona Paolo Leone BianchinItaly
00BX55(not set)Carlo ZevinoItaly
00BX71(not set)Emanuele PedriniItaly
00BX89(not set)Rui AlmeidaPortugal
00BY03(not set)Arianna PaoliniItaly
00BY13(not set)Katja PippelGermany
00BY21(not set)Marc DeconchatFrance
00BY25(not set)Björn PlötnerGermany
00BS09(not set)Gabriele GervasoniItaly
00BS35(not set)lidia LongobardiItaly
00DT73(not set)fabio parisItaly
00BS61(not set)Laura PaganessiItaly
00BS87(not set)Florian GraebnerGermany
00BW05(not set)Alberto GonçalvesPortugal