Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (321-340 of 18186)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00BT39(not set)Angela AutenriethGermany
00BT63(not set)Fabio RampinelliItaly
00AT68(not set)International Potato CentreGhana
00BV93(not set)Neve TagliettiItaly
00BW37(not set)Silvia CarraraItaly
00BV71(not set)Klaus DahlGermany
00BW05(not set)Alberto GonçalvesPortugal
00BS45(not set)Maddalena BoianiItaly
00BV49(not set)Yvonne OuwendijkNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00BV75(not set)Mariagrazia D'EmilioItaly
00HF25(not set)Elsa DanielsFrance
00BU35(not set)Margarida QuelhasPortugal
00BU59(not set)Dária ErcsényiHungary
00BU83(not set)Elisabetta BarizzaItaly
00BV07(not set)Linus SchulteGermany
00BV29(not set)Leila RizzoItaly
00BV51(not set)Vítor EstevesPortugal
00BV73(not set)Mauricette TrahayFrance
00BV83(not set)Raquel FigueiredoPortugal
00BV05(not set)Jakob JunkersSweden