Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (21-40 of 18164)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00BL27ROM007BRGV SuceavaBanca de Resurse Genetice Vegetale "Mihai Cristea" SuceavaRomania
00AR95QAT004BC-MOEGenetic Resources Section, Agriculture Research Department, Ministry of MunicipalityQatar
00AT18PRT102ISOPlexisISOPlexis Banco de Germoplasma da Universidade da MadeiraPortugal
00BI66POL027POZPInstitute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of SciencesPoland
00BM21POL003IHARPlant Breeding and Acclimatization InstitutePoland
00AZ35PNG025NARIPNG National Agricultural Research InstitutePapua New Guinea
00AS26PHL158PhilRicePhilippine Rice Research InstitutePhilippines
00AB40PHL001IRRIInternational Rice Research InstitutePhilippines
00AF35PER002UNALMUniversidad Nacional Agraria La MolinaPeru
00AD19PER001CIPCentro Internacional de la PapaPeru
00AH81PAK253PGRIPakistan Agricultural Research CouncilPakistan
00BA39PAK001PGRPPlant Genetic Resources ProgramPakistan
00AC55NLD037CGNCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN)Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
00AF05NGA039IITAInternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture(IITA)Nigeria
00GZ07NGA010NACGRABNational Centre for Genetic Resources and BiotechnologyNigeria
00AP70MYS005MARDIMARDI Seberang PeraiMalaysia
00AY39MWI041MPGRCMalawi Plant Genetic Resources CentreZimbabwe
00BA41MMR015MSBMyanmar Seed BankMyanmar
00GX69MLI002IERInstitut d'Economie Rurale (IER)Mali
00AC11MEX002CIMMYTInternational Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)Mexico