Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (21-40 of 18171)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00AD68KEN031CIPInternational Potato CenterKenya
00AD19PER001CIPCentro Internacional de la PapaPeru
00BC04CHN223CNGBChina National GeneBankChina
00BO87BRA008CNPAFEmbrapa Arroz e FeijãoBrazil
00AT38ITA386CREA-CI-BGCREA-Centro di Ricerca Cerealicoltura e Colture IndustrialiItaly
00RG65ITA383CREA-CI-VERCREA-Research Center for Cereals and Industrial CropsItaly
00BG18ITA391CREA-OF-PONCREA Research Centre for Vegetable and Ornamental CropsItaly
00AT58GHA002CRICSIR-Crops Research InstituteGhana
00AR22ITA410D3A-UNIVPMDipartimento di Scienze Agrarie Alimentari e Ambientali, Università Politecnica delle MarcheItaly
00MR25ECU023DENAREFInstituto Nacional de Investigaciones AgropecuariasEcuador
00BD64ITA331FAGRDi3A Università di CataniaItaly
00GZ45BEN097GBioS/PAGEVGenetics, Biotechnology and Seed Science Unit, University of Abomey-CalaviBenin
00AN70KEN212GeRRIGenetic Resources Research InstituteKenya
00BD44ZWE049GRBIGenetic Resources and Biotechnology InstituteZimbabwe
00RH71ZWE049GRBIGenetic Resources and Biotechnology Institute - Department of Research and Specialist ServicesZimbabwe
00BE12AZE015GRIGenetic Resources Institute of Azerbaijan NASAzerbaijan
00AX14USA126GRINUSDAUnited States of America
00RL98BOL321IASAInstituto de Agroecologia y Seguridad Alimentaria de la Universidad San Francisco Xavier de ChuquisacaBolivia (Plurinational State of)
00RC41ITA436IBBRIstituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse-CNRItaly
00AQ17IDN179ICABIOGRADIndonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and DevelopmentIndonesia