Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (21-40 of 18171)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00HT43(not set)Achim StieglitzGermany
00OD13(not set)Achim StrockaGermany
00BX69(not set)Ada BraghieriItaly
00OV27(not set)Ada DaneseItaly
00IV47(not set)Adalberto DosiItaly
00OY31(not set)Adam ChapmanNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00FW29(not set)Adam CiszewiczPoland
00MO25(not set)Adam DziedzicPoland
00HO75(not set)Adam MatysiakPoland
00OS63(not set)Adam MatysiakPoland
00IB61(not set)Adam PragDenmark
00EL12(not set)Adam SzallerHungary
00FK88(not set)adam szilagyiHungary
00RH33(not set)Adelaide NannolaItaly
00HC57(not set)Adélaïde SimonFrance
00EJ82(not set)Adela Llamazares_PradosSpain
00JL93(not set)Adela LucaItaly
00CT87(not set)Adele CognomeItaly
00MB91(not set)Adèle DraberFrance
00HG39(not set)Adele GrazianiItaly