Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (41-60 of 18170)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00OB87(not set)Yvonne van RietNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00NU07(not set)Yvonne StrunkeitGermany
00QR85(not set)Yvonne ScheidelGermany
00CJ65(not set)Yvonne RotgansPortugal
00BV49(not set)Yvonne OuwendijkNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00EJ12(not set)Yvonne MárquezSpain
00FG64(not set)Yvonne LenkawaGermany
00QU67(not set)Yvonne KunstNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00OD61(not set)Yvonne GerlachGermany
00JD81(not set)Yvonne GeislerGermany
00IO79(not set)Yvonne FeijenNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00NO41(not set)Yvonne EichenbergerSwitzerland
00NO71(not set)Yvonne DietzeGermany
00CS55(not set)Yvonne DanischGermany
00GT13(not set)Yvonne BraunsGermany
00KX93(not set)Yvonne BleschGermany
00KC83(not set)Yvonne BergmannGermany
00IX39(not set)Yvonne BelinSweden
00JZ31(not set)Yvonne BauerAustria
00OB79(not set)Yvonne AdamskiGermany