Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (61-80 of 18171)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00AF93IND002ICRISATInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)India
00AS28IND001NBPGRNational Bureau of Plant Genetic ResourcesIndia
00AQ17IDN179ICABIOGRADIndonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and DevelopmentIndonesia
00GN73GHA091PGRRICSIR-Plant Genetic Resources Research InstituteGhana
00AY01GHA021UCCUniversity of Cape CoastGhana
00AT58GHA002CRICSIR-Crops Research InstituteGhana
00AO21GBR251JHIThe James Hutton InstituteUnited Kingdom
00AV72FJI049CePaCTCentre for Pacific Crops and Trees (CePaCT) - SPCFiji
00BP13ESP169Instituto Agricultura Sostenible, CSICSpain
00BQ33ESP124CIACUCentro de Investigación Agroforestal de Albaladejito (CIAF-IRIAF)Spain
00BQ65ESP010SIAEXCICYTEX (Centro de investigaciones científicas y tecnológicas de Extremadura)Spain
00AB19ESP004INIA-CRFCentro de Recursos Fitogenéticos (CRF) - INIA - CSICSpain
00BA09EGY087NGBNational Gene Bank EgyptEgypt
00MR25ECU023DENAREFInstituto Nacional de Investigaciones AgropecuariasEcuador
00BK67DEU271IPKIPK, Oil Plants and Fodder Crops in MalchowGermany
00BK69DEU159IPKIPK, Potato Collection in Gross-LüsewitzGermany