00AB17 | DEU146 | IPK | IPK | Germany |
00AD52 | CRI001 | CATIE | Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza | Costa Rica |
00AG54 | COL003 | CIAT | Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) | Colombia |
00AG20 | CIV033 | AfricaRice | Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) | Côte d'Ivoire |
00BC04 | CHN223 | CNGB | China National GeneBank | China |
00AS31 | BTN026 | NBC | National Biodiversity Centre | Bhutan |
00BO87 | BRA008 | CNPAF | Embrapa Arroz e Feijão | Brazil |
00RL98 | BOL321 | IASA | Instituto de Agroecologia y Seguridad Alimentaria de la Universidad San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca | Bolivia (Plurinational State of) |
00DQ47 | BGR001 | IPGR | Institute of Plant Genetic Resources | Bulgaria |
00BQ79 | BGD016 | BAU | Bangladesh Agricultural University | Bangladesh |
00BA47 | BGD002 | BRRI | Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) | Bangladesh |
00NM79 | BFA084 | | CONAGREP | Burkina Faso |
00GZ45 | BEN097 | GBioS/PAGEV | Genetics, Biotechnology and Seed Science Unit, University of Abomey-Calavi | Benin |
00AN81 | BEL084 | ITC | Bioversity International | Belgium |
00BA43 | BDI016 | MAE | Institut des Sciences Agronomiques du Burundi (ISABU) | Burundi |
00BE12 | AZE015 | GRI | Genetic Resources Institute of Azerbaijan NAS | Azerbaijan |
00EA58 | AUS167 | APG | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute | Australia |
00AF44 | AUS165 | AGG | Australian Grains Genebank, DEECA | Australia |
00EB16 | ARM008 | SCVIC | Scientific Centre of Vegetable and Industrial Crops | Armenia |
00BE84 | ARE003 | ICBA | International Center for Biosaline Agriculture | United Arab Emirates |