00AS30 | ZMB048 | NPGRC | Zambia Agriculture Research Institute | Zambia |
00GY99 | ALB026 | PGRC | Plant Genetic Resource Center | Albania |
00BA45 | LKA036 | PGRC | Plant Genetic Resources Centre | Sri Lanka |
00AH81 | PAK253 | PGRI | Pakistan Agricultural Research Council | Pakistan |
00BA39 | PAK001 | PGRP | Plant Genetic Resources Program | Pakistan |
00GN73 | GHA091 | PGRRI | CSIR-Plant Genetic Resources Research Institute | Ghana |
00AS26 | PHL158 | PhilRice | Philippine Rice Research Institute | Philippines |
00BI66 | POL027 | POZP | Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences | Poland |
00RG35 | RWA023 | RAB | Rwanda Agriculture and Livestock Development Board | Rwanda |
00DY75 | URY289 | RNSNC | Red Nacional de Semillas Nativas y Criollas | Uruguay |
00BN45 | ITA440 | SAFE | Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari ed Ambientali (DAFE) | Italy |
00BN65 | ITA440 | SAFE | Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Ambientali - Università degli Studi della Basilicata | Italy |
00BK47 | ROM055 | SCDL Bacau | Statiunea de Cercetare Dezvoltare Pentru Legumicultura Bacau | Romania |
00EB16 | ARM008 | SCVIC | Scientific Centre of Vegetable and Industrial Crops | Armenia |
00BF42 | ESP032 | SERIDA | Regional Service for Agrofood Research and Development (SERIDA) | Spain |
00BQ65 | ESP010 | SIAEX | CICYTEX (Centro de investigaciones científicas y tecnológicas de Extremadura) | Spain |
00BP81 | ZMB030 | SRGB | SADC Plant Genetic Resources Centre | Zambia |
00AY01 | GHA021 | UCC | University of Cape Coast | Ghana |
00AF35 | PER002 | UNALM | Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina | Peru |
00BT95 | | (not set) | Vânia Magalhães | Portugal |