Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (161-180 of 18186)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00QZ25(not set)Antje ZscheileGermany
00QZ23(not set)Carola LührGermany
00QZ21(not set)Alexandre scoccimarroFrance
00QZ19(not set)Marion SchadGermany
00QZ15(not set)Juri HenningGermany
00QZ13(not set)Sylvie RabanFrance
00QZ11(not set)Marlene FritzGermany
00QZ09(not set)Evelyn KonstantinidisGermany
00QZ07(not set)Angelika NeudeckGermany
00QZ05(not set)Frank EhrmantrautGermany
00QZ03(not set)Clémence De ChabotFrance
00QZ01(not set)Christian PanzerGermany
00QY99(not set)Khalil AmiriGermany
00QY97(not set)Frank HüblerGermany
00QY93(not set)Camilla BellatallaItaly
00QY91(not set)Andrea CazzagonItaly
00QY89(not set)Peter LehbergerGermany
00QY85(not set)Marianne ThielGermany
00QY83(not set)Antje LessigGermany
00QY81(not set)Monika ZieglerGermany