Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (221-240 of 18186)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00EP94(not set)Alba Verdeal GutierrezSpain
00FG22(not set)Alberico FigoliItaly
00OO33(not set)Alberina Di MatteoItaly
00HA71(not set)Albert De hemptinneBelgium
00CK69(not set)albert de hollanderNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00PD39(not set)Alberto AlberiniItaly
00FF90(not set)Alberto AlonsoSpain
00EO68(not set)Alberto AngeloniItaly
00EW68(not set)Alberto BARCENILLA VALDIVIELSOSpain
00FO44(not set)Alberto BernardelliItaly
00KG95(not set)Alberto CapovillaSpain
00CN45(not set)Alberto cardiItaly
00PI73(not set)Alberto CarolloItaly
00CV97(not set)Alberto Catellani c/o studio dentistico San GottardoItaly
00HH29(not set)Alberto CattoItaly
00IL37(not set)Alberto CiceriItaly
00KJ19(not set)Alberto CiravegnaItaly
00OZ37(not set)alberto colognesiItaly
00CW01(not set)Alberto CopesItaly
00DO31(not set)Alberto Cosano LlamasSpain