Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (81-100 of 18173)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00KG47(not set)Adrien GrosFrance
00LU69(not set)Adrien HUCHETFrance
00FB42(not set)Adrien JeanninFrance
00IP73(not set)Adrien LuyckxBelgium
00IP93(not set)Adrien MerlierFrance
00MB49(not set)Adrienn GörgényiSweden
00GD51(not set)Adrienn OrbánHungary
00EO48(not set)Adrienn SütőHungary
00EN94(not set)Adrienn Táncos-NagyHungary
00HM31(not set)Adrien PrivatFrance
00LE45(not set)Adrien roigFrance
00HN67(not set)Adrien SautjeauFrance
00JL33(not set)AFA Cervantes Linda BürgiSpain
00QW57(not set)A. FrankGermany
00AG20CIV033AfricaRiceAfrica Rice Center (AfricaRice)Côte d'Ivoire
00LV61(not set)A GItaly
00PU29(not set)Agata BlachowskaPoland
00FP72(not set)Agata BudzowskaPoland
00BS99(not set)Agata DamianoItaly
00JZ05(not set)Agata FiliksPoland