Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (181-200 of 18171)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00BW29(not set)Francesco GranaItaly
00BW49(not set)Katja Dr. Boldt-BurischGermany
00BW67(not set)Paula RamalhoPortugal
00BW85(not set)Rui ViegasPortugal
00BX01(not set)Matteo DougnyItaly
00BX17(not set)Enrico VernelliItaly
00BX33(not set)Carmelina PillaItaly
00BX49(not set)patricia A. GonçalvesPortugal
00BX65(not set)Salvatore MarongiuItaly
00GO07(not set)Robert JatzkowskiGermany
00BX97(not set)Luis MirandaPortugal
00BY09(not set)Anna LealiItaly
00BY17(not set)Camille Martin-GallausiauxFrance
00BS03(not set)Gabriella GianniniItaly
00BS29(not set)Nicole StrappaItaly
00BS55(not set)Barbara EbertGermany
00BS81(not set)isabelle HarléFrance
00BT07(not set)Mariarosaria FanaleItaly
00BT33(not set)Laurent FontaineFrance
00BT57(not set)Federico PriolaItaly