Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
List of knowledge products of the Benefit-sharing Fund related to Value chain  Go back to the Toolbox resource
Showing 1-5 of 5 items.
Integrating a Circular Approach in Sorghum Breeding and Value ChainPresentation2023-11-21Sorghum, MilletUgandaCrop diversity, Value chain, Access and benefit-sharing, Farmers
Presentation at the 10th Session of the Governing Body by CIAT-AlliancePresentation2023Beans, Millet, SorghumUganda, United Republic of TanzaniaAccess and benefit-sharing, Seed bank, Value chain
Characterization & Sustainable Utilization of the Underutilized Taro to Increase Food Security & Improve Livelihood of Marginalized Communities Faced with the Climate ChangePresentation2023Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, FijiPlant genetic resources, Climate change, Value chain
Genetic Analysis and adaptability of sorghum germplasm in semi-arid ZimbabweTechnical note2022SorghumZimbabweFarmers, Plant genetic resources, Climate change, Value chain
Value Chain Analysis for Four Wheat Landraces (Karakılçık, Sarı Bursa, Sarı Buğday, Üveyik) in TurkeyDeliverable2020Republic of TürkiyePlant genetic resources, Value chain, Farmers