| Integrating a Circular Approach in Sorghum Breeding and Value Chain | Presentation | 2023-11-21 | Sorghum, Millet | Uganda | Crop diversity, Value chain, Access and benefit-sharing, Farmers |
| Presentation at the 10th Session of the Governing Body by CIAT-Alliance | Presentation | 2023 | Beans, Millet, Sorghum | Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania | Access and benefit-sharing, Seed bank, Value chain |
| Characterization & Sustainable Utilization of the Underutilized Taro to Increase Food Security & Improve Livelihood of Marginalized Communities Faced with the Climate Change | Presentation | 2023 | | Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Fiji | Plant genetic resources, Climate change, Value chain |
| Genetic Analysis and adaptability of sorghum germplasm in semi-arid Zimbabwe | Technical note | 2022 | Sorghum | Zimbabwe | Farmers, Plant genetic resources, Climate change, Value chain |
| Value Chain Analysis for Four Wheat Landraces (Karakılçık, Sarı Bursa, Sarı Buğday, Üveyik) in Turkey | Deliverable | 2020 | | Republic of Türkiye | Plant genetic resources, Value chain, Farmers |