Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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    The Inventory

    This online version of the Inventory presents, for each measure, the title and a brief description with information on implementing organization(s), start year, objectives, core elements, key outcomes, and, if applicable, lessons learned. It thus allows users to quickly identify those examples that may be of interest to them. A hyperlink to the original submission is provided, which includes additional information, such as on the history and context of the presented measure, challenges encountered, or target groups reached. In this way, users can get a more comprehensive idea of the measure in question and the specific context for which it was developed.
    To facilitate navigation, the Inventory is subdivided into eleven categories. Measures or practices that fall under more than one category are listed under each one that applies. Furthermore, information is provided on the type(s) of measures that are typically involved, such as technical, administrative, legal, and/or others, and on the relevant sub-article of Article 9 that is addressed. Additional search options allow searching by country, region, free text and keyword.
    Number of records: 233

    216) Law Establishing the Moratorium on Living Modified Organisms for a Period of 10 years (Law No. 29811)

    In 2011 the Peruvian president Ollanta Humala signed the Law No. 29811 which establishes a ten (10) year moratorium preventing the entry and production of living modified organisms (LMOs) including aquatic for the purposes of cultivation or breeding for further release into the environment. (Article). The purpose of this law is to strengthen national capacities, develop infrastructure and generate baselines with respect to native biodiversity, which allow for adequate evaluation of the activities that release LMOs into the environment. The Ministry of Environment is the National Focal point and implementor of the law in accordance to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety – and is required to ensure that the mechanisms of protection and promotion of native biodiversity is fulfilled in the period of 10 years.

    Category: 10.Legal measures for the implementation of Farmers’ Rights, such as legislative measures related to PGRFA.

    Type of measure/practice: Legal

    217) Catalogue of traditional varieties for common and Lima beans, maize, chilies and peppers

    The Instituto de Investigaciones Fundamentales en Agricultura Tropical ‘Alejandro de Humboldt' (INIFAT), in collaboration with local organizations in the Biosphere Reserves ‘Sierra del Rosario’ and 'Cuchilla del Toa' and with financial support by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), participated in the project ‘Adaptive management of seed systems and gene flow for sustainable agriculture and subsistence improvement in the humid tropics of Mexico, Cuba and Peru’ (2003-2006). As part of the project activities, a catalogue of traditional varieties was established with the aim to facilitate learning on agrobiodiversity, promote seed exchanges and acknowledge the participating farmers. The use of variety names was found not always to be consistent within and among communities, or across regions; for this reason, other descriptors should also be used to ensure that the diversity and spatial distribution of varieties is correctly documented. The initiative was very well received by the farmers and allowed to sensitize decision-makers for the level of agrobiodiversity that existed in certain localities. This type of action should be expanded to arrive at a national catalogue as well, in order to enhance visibility of agrobiodiversity and acknowledge farmers.

    Category: 4.Catalogues, registries and other forms of documentation of PGRFA and protection of traditional knowledge

    Type of measure/practice: Technical

    218) Crop contest at the Genetic Diversity Fair (G-Difa)

    The Genetic Diversity Fair (G-Difa) was first held in 2018, coinciding with the National Congress on Genetic Resources, which included a crop contest. Bananas were selected as the focus crop, since they are widespread throughout Indonesia. Every province through its Regional Commission on Genetic Resources proposed one or more local varieties of bananas originating from their region. A board of judges then evaluated and assessed banana fruits based on several criteria and decided on the winners. This activity aimed to promote crop diversity of local varieties in Indonesia. For the next event in 2020, a different crop will be selected. This event raises awareness on the importance of local genetic resources among the public and benefits the local farming community, since the region from where the crop originated can gain economic benefits from the use and promotion of genetic resources. Lessons learned include that recognition of local varieties can help promote and increase their economic value.

    Category: 3.Approaches to encourage income-generating activities to support farmers’ conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA

    Type of measure/practice: Administrative; Others

    219) Award for farmers who conserve genetic resources

    Since 2014, every two years, the National Commission on Genetic Resources (NCGR-Komnas SDG) is giving awards to farmers in recognition of their important role and contributions to conserving local biodiversity. The farmers are being selected from the nomination of the Regional Commission on Genetic Resources (RCGR-Komda SDG) coming from every province. Those farmers who conserve the highest level of intra- or inter-specific diversity of genetic resources, as well as those that actively utilize local genetic resources, can qualify for receiving the Award. Usually, 2-3 farmers receive Award (certificate of recognition and some monetary benefits) every time the Congress takes place. Lessons learned include that awards stimulate farmers' enthusiasm for conservation activities, particularly for the cultivation of endangered or underutilized crops.

    Category: 1.Recognition of local and indigenous communities’, farmers’ contributions to conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA, such as awards and recognition of custodian/guardian farmers

    Type of measure/practice: Administrative; Others

    220) Decree-Law 291/2012 Official Gazette of Cuba and Policy on Seeds and Plant Genetic Resources

    In 2012, the Government of Cuba published Decree-Law 291/2012 on Plant Variety Protection; Article 4 states that the breeder may be a natural or legal person, and that one or more such entities can be holders of rights, including for example agricultural production cooperative(s) or basic unit(s) of cooperative production. This is a form of intellectual property right granted to the breeder(s) of a new plant variety, including participating farmer cooperatives. Furthermore, a Seed Directorate was established in 2011 under the Ministry of Agriculture; its competencies were expanded, leading to the establishment of the Seed and Plant Genetic Resources Directorate in 2015. These changes have motivated a review of the entire legal basis targeting seeds and plant genetic resources in Cuba. The new Seeds and Plant Genetic Resources Policy, reflecting this development, was approved in July 2018; work is currently underway to draft a Decree-Law and regulations to implement the policy and address those articles of the ITPGRFA that have so far not been covered, including Article 9. It can be concluded that work is being done to review and update the legal basis, which will facilitate actions at the national level with support from local governments.

    Category: 10.Legal measures for the implementation of Farmers’ Rights, such as legislative measures related to PGRFA.

    Type of measure/practice: Administrative; Legal