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Effective management and conservation of genetic resaurces on-farm takes place where the genetic resources are valued and used to meet the needs of local communities. The in situ conservation project supported by the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) in Nepal recognizes that farmers...
Subject: Farming Systems
Regions: Asia
Publication year: 2001
This presentation emphasizes the need to highlight the diverse use values of landraces/farmers' varieties to increase their value to society. The presentation was given by Maarit Heinonen at the workshop "Conservation strategies for European crop wild relative and landrace diversity", held in Palanga,...
Subject: Recognition schemes for farmers
Regions: Europe
Publication year: 2011
Wheat yields are predicted to decrease over the next decades due to climate change (CC). Mediterranean regions are characterized by low soil fertility and stressful conditions that limit the effect of technological improvements on increasing yield gains, while worsening the negative CC impacts. Additionally,...
Subject: Crop diversity
Regions: Europe; Near East; Africa
Publication year: 2019
Although it is commonly accepted that farmers’ participation in the process of technology development can improve adoption rates, few studies have tested this relationship. The authors tested the role of farmers’ participation in the decision to adopt new sorghum varieties in the Sudan Savanna of...
Subject: Recognition schemes for farmers
Regions: Africa
Publication year: 2019
International genebanks have a collection of over 760 K conserved accessions of various plants, most of these accessions are within the multi-lateral system governed by the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA). However, in spite of the success in collection...
Subject: Seed system
Regions: Global
Publication year: 2020