Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Policy Resources

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    Number of records: 162

    41) Identifying Benefit Flows – Studies on the Potential Monetary and Non-Monetary Benefits Arising from the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

    Plant genetic resources (PGR) for food and agriculture are the basis of world food security. Access by farmers and plant breeders everywhere to the widest possible range of plant germplasm is of crucial importance for crop improvement, for confronting environmental and agricultural challenges such as...

    Category: Miscellaneous

    Regions: Global

    Publication year: 2013

    42) African Union Practical Guidelines for the Coordinated Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in Africa

    The Guidelines for the Coordinated Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in Africa provides a practical step by step guidance for the implementation of the Protocol and for an ABS system at national and regional levels. This document sets out the Guidelines as adopted and constitutes an appendix of the...

    Category: Voluntary guidelines

    Regions: Africa

    Publication year: 2015

    43) Voluntary Guidelines for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Crop Wild Relatives and Wild Food Plants

    Crop wild relatives thrive in their natural habitats without human intervention. In fact, they are continuously evolving adaptive characteristics that enable them to cope with changing environmental conditions. Therefore, they are a rich reservoir of novel traits and genes that can be used to develop...

    Category: Voluntary guidelines

    Regions: Global

    Publication year: 2017

    44) Sustainable SocioEconomic Development through the Commercialization of Organic Farming

    Final draft as of March 2019 of the "Sustainable SocioEconomic Development through the Commercialization of Organic Farming" - National Organic Programme, ARDC-Yusipang, Department of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture and Forests.

    Category: Strategies and Action Plans

    Regions: Asia

    Publication year: 2019

    45) European Council Regulation (EC) No 870/2004

    In April 2004, the Council of the European Union established a Community programme on the conservation, characterisation, collection and utilisation of genetic resources in agriculture. Also available in French and...

    Category: Legislation and policies, Directives

    Regions: Europe

    Publication year: 2004