Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (2141-2160 of 18167)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00IY47(not set)Audrey GourdonFrance
00CR77(not set)Audrey N’gomFrance
00NU21(not set)Audrey ReillyGermany
00PQ01(not set)audrey ruizItaly
00FO48(not set)Audric ArtaudFrance
00PS57(not set)aug schererGermany
00LK59(not set)August KristensenDenmark
00IZ41(not set)auke vanblaereBelgium
00HN87(not set)Aukje MeppelinkNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00EP22(not set)Aura maria BeltránSpain
00QD29(not set)Aurea Vázquez GonzálezSpain
00CH97(not set)Aure-Eline GrillotFrance
00EW82(not set)Aurelia cornaItaly
00KY87(not set)Aurélia LigonnetFrance
00JQ13(not set)Aurélie ChampyPortugal
00JU39(not set)Aurelie DeconinckBelgium
00LV99(not set)Aurélie De l'EgliseBelgium
00MU55(not set)Aurélie fabreFrance
00IQ25(not set)Aurélie FoucherFrance
00BS91(not set)Aurélie GOLETTOFrance