Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (2261-2280 of 18167)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00DK99(not set)barbara carraiItaly
00IR29(not set)Barbara CasariniItaly
00HF77(not set)Barbara ChapotFrance
00JQ19(not set)Barbara CiosekPoland
00OW97(not set)Barbara CoassinItaly
00ML77(not set)Barbara CoriniItaly
00DO85(not set)Barbara CostanzoItaly
00CQ05(not set)Barbara DagaItaly
00IW81(not set)Barbara DequinzeBelgium
00LI99(not set)Barbara DresenBelgium
00MF29(not set)Barbara EberhardtGermany
00BS55(not set)Barbara EbertGermany
00IT61(not set)barbara filâtreFrance
00KH19(not set)Barbara FinatoItaly
00JS69(not set)Barbara GeigerGermany
00LL95(not set)Barbara GiammatteoItaly
00JF33(not set)Barbara GieselGermany
00LP11(not set)Barbara GuillonneauFrance
00OS45(not set)barbara GusminiItaly
00IU21(not set)Barbara HartNetherlands (Kingdom of the)