Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (2801-2820 of 18167)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00OD77(not set)Burkhard VogesGermany
00EL40(not set)Burlacu Ștefana MadalinaRomania
00KG75(not set)b vandecatsyeBelgium
00PP37(not set)Cäcilie KlappenbachGermany
00JZ85(not set)Caitlin DawsonFinland
00GP75(not set)Calicanto CalicantoItaly
00OT51(not set)Calin ChituRomania
00MK03(not set)Calle RikanderSweden
00FN70(not set)Calogero Antonio LositoItaly
00DR79(not set)Calogero LaneriItaly
00BA37KHM010CARDICambodian Agricultural Research and Development InstituteCambodia
00IN45(not set)Cameron RoyGermany
00DF33(not set)Camila NetoPortugal
00CY13(not set)Camilla AmmaturoItaly
00HZ25(not set)Camilla BadellaNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00DK41(not set)camilla badessiItaly
00QY93(not set)Camilla BellatallaItaly
00JD69(not set)Camilla BlixtSweden
00LX99(not set)Camilla CalderoneItaly
00LJ77(not set)Camilla CattoiItaly