Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (4241-4260 of 18168)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00GM57(not set)Dagmar KleinGermany
00HV83(not set)Dagmar LangeGermany
00JH87(not set)Dagmar LutherGermany
00HR79(not set)Dagmar NeumannGermany
00GR59(not set)Dagmar RaissGermany
00PQ95(not set)Dagmar SchintkeGermany
00LY57(not set)Dagmar Schwermer-SelentGermany
00HW51(not set)Dagmar ThylanderSweden
00JA49(not set)Dagmar TschernjajewGermany
00JF29(not set)Dagmar ZühlkeGermany
00MV07(not set)Dagny PoserGermany
00CT23(not set)Daisy IngrossoItaly
00QS21(not set)Dajana DzijanItaly
00CT05(not set)Dalia CarneiroPortugal
00PC55(not set)Dalia PasqualatoItaly
00LV05(not set)Dalia TarasItaly
00OP45(not set)Dalila AlbertoItaly
00FD08(not set)Dalila DONINIFrance
00QT81(not set)Dalma AmbrosiItaly
00EL16(not set)Dalma TeglovicsHungary