Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (4421-4440 of 18168)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00NX05(not set)Daniel KernGermany
00IG61(not set)Daniel LaboubéFrance
00JU21(not set)Danielle FuchsFrance
00MV19(not set)Danielle MICHELFrance
00QT61(not set)Danielle RobbertsenNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00CF27(not set)danielle verroitFrance
00EO10(not set)Daniel Liras ViejoSpain
00EY14(not set)Daniel López LópezSpain
00FJ02(not set)Daniel Mata FontSpain
00PU95(not set)Daniel MecklGermany
00RB71(not set)Daniel MeyerGermany
00PS27(not set)Daniel Miguelez costasSpain
00KJ97(not set)Daniel MocanuRomania
00FB86(not set)Daniel Ortego LópezSpain
00LZ79(not set)Daniel POUYLEAUFrance
00CP85(not set)Daniel ReimannGermany
00HI07(not set)daniel riffiodFrance
00NR81(not set)Daniel RupićGermany
00KK21(not set)Daniel Sánchez PérezSpain
00GM11(not set)Daniel SawtyrukPoland