Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (5201-5220 of 18168)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00IX95(not set)Elisabeth BellGermany
00CD03(not set)Elisabeth BerlinghofGermany
00FR18(not set)Elisabeth BolterAustria
00KL21(not set)Elisabeth BredilletFrance
00MO05(not set)Elisabeth CarliAustria
00ML75(not set)Elisabeth CoenBelgium
00LP41(not set)Elisabeth Dec CarlborgSweden
00KQ21(not set)Elisabeth GervaisFrance
00MR95(not set)Elisabeth JohnGermany
00IB35(not set)Elisabeth KellnerGermany
00KD31(not set)Elisabeth KlingeGermany
00GC93(not set)Elisabeth KnissGermany
00KT03(not set)Elisabeth LamplmayrGermany
00MU39(not set)Elisabeth LefebvreFrance
00OJ95(not set)Elisabeth LimbachGermany
00KJ13(not set)Elisabeth MarkwiokGermany
00GC09(not set)Elisabeth PiotelatFrance
00KV37(not set)Elisabeth ReiterAustria
00PB19(not set)Elisabeth RosenfeldGermany
00LF51(not set)Elisabeth SchneiderGermany