Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (541-560 of 18167)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00JA37(not set)alexandre de PossonBelgium
00KM35(not set)Alexandre DuquesneFrance
00II41(not set)Alexandre FonteneauFrance
00JZ45(not set)Alexandre harvierFrance
00FE22(not set)Alexandre JauneauFrance
00HN93(not set)alexandre poncinBelgium
00EH54(not set)Alexandre SanterneFrance
00QZ21(not set)Alexandre scoccimarroFrance
00IX75(not set)alexandre tolubFrance
00HH75(not set)Alexandre VasseurFrance
00FG16(not set)Alexandre VettorFrance
00DD45(not set)Alexandrino MatosPortugal
00KU11(not set)Alexandru ButeRomania
00KJ35(not set)Alex ChudaskaNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00DB73(not set)Alex DybonItaly
00CE23(not set)alexei pucciarelliItaly
00KA91(not set)Alexe RamonaRomania
00FA06(not set)Alex FortiSpain
00QO25(not set)Alex FrimpongItaly
00MA23(not set)Alex GandrillonFrance