Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (5661-5680 of 18186)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00GH05(not set)Erika MerkertSweden
00GQ61(not set)Erika PetrucciItaly
00OX61(not set)Erika PistilliItaly
00OI07(not set)Erika Pradas HernándezSpain
00JV49(not set)Erika RoosSweden
00FG46(not set)Erika RossiItaly
00GM89(not set)Erika van GennipNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00KD13(not set)Erik ChrismentFrance
00OY93(not set)Erik DassiItaly
00KD43(not set)Erik De BeerBelgium
00LM59(not set)Erik GrietensBelgium
00KL81(not set)Erik MathijsBelgium
00PG49(not set)Erik PerssonSweden
00NZ63(not set)Erik PuschGermany
00KA21(not set)Erik RichterGermany
00HW23(not set)Erik RömerGermany
00HC29(not set)Eriks FogelsLatvia
00OS41(not set)Erik SjödinSweden
00GC37(not set)Erik ZimmerGermany
00LG43(not set)Ermanno LucchiniItaly