Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (881-900 of 18167)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00PR27(not set)Andrea ColomboItaly
00JU33(not set)Andrea ConsolaroItaly
00MV11(not set)andrea corlattiItaly
00PF95(not set)Andrea CozzoItaly
00CE37(not set)andrea dambraItaly
00LG45(not set)Andrea De CintiItaly
00JW85(not set)Andrea Della ReginaItaly
00QG45(not set)Andrea Del PapaItaly
00HW87(not set)Andrea Di MambroItaly
00PA51(not set)Andrea DionisiItaly
00JP99(not set)Andrea Dreuw (PDG Losheim)Germany
00CE87(not set)Andrea ErranteItaly
00PQ55(not set)Andrea evangelistiItaly
00DT65(not set)Andrea FaganelloItaly
00DJ19(not set)Andrea FanelliItaly
00KL25(not set)Andrea FANTOLIItaly
00LB51(not set)Andrea FasoloItaly
00QV79(not set)Andrea FrosininiItaly
00DE21(not set)Andrea GagyiHungary
00OK89(not set)Andrea GambardellaItaly