Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (14461-14480 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00NZ17(not set)Philippe PellauxSwitzerland
00LD15(not set)Philippe PichettoFrance
00KM41(not set)Philippe QuintinFrance
00HL81(not set)Philippe RaucqBelgium
00MM51(not set)Philippe Van den BroekeBelgium
00FS16(not set)Philippe WasselinFrance
00FV39(not set)Philipp FranckGermany
00IU61(not set)Philipp HolzherrSwitzerland
00MK79(not set)Philipp HradskyGermany
00AS26PHL158PhilRicePhilippine Rice Research InstitutePhilippines
00DK65(not set)Philipp NiemeyerGermany
00IQ23(not set)Philipp PagendarmGermany
00QR03(not set)Philipp ReibischSwitzerland
00MC97(not set)Philipp ReisterGermany
00PJ91(not set)Philipp SchererGermany
00QS35(not set)Philipp SolbrigGermany
00QX95(not set)Philipp StumpeGermany
00PS39(not set)Philipp TinzGermany
00DP79(not set)Philipp WatermannGermany
00MD35(not set)Philipp WittigGermany