Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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    Number of records: 1666

    66) Acceptance and competitiveness of new improved wheat varieties by smallholder farmers

    In this study, Participatory varietal selection (PVS) trials were conducted to have farmers validate and include newly released wheat varieties into seed-production stream to speed up replacement of old and obsolete wheat varieties by farmer-preferred new high-yielding varieties. Fourteen new varieties...

    Subject: Plant breeding techniques and approaches

    Regions: Asia

    Publication year: 2017

    67) Access and benefit sharing in participatory plant breeding in Southwest China

    This contribution discusses access and benefit sharing within the context of participatory plant breeding. It presents how Chinese farmers and breeders interact in relation to crop improvement and on-farm maintenance of plant genetic resources. Based on more than a decade of action research, a number...

    Subject: Plant breeding techniques and approaches

    Regions: Asia

    Publication year: 2016

    68) Access and Benefit Sharing Toolkit for the Management of Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge in Bhutan

    Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) is a relatively new concept in Bhutan since it came to the forefront only after the adoption of the Nagoya Protocol in 2010. While there have been several efforts to create awareness on ABS till date, the need to provide holistic information on ABS under one window for...

    Subject: Traditional Knowledge

    Regions: Asia

    Publication year: 2018

    69) Access and benefit sharing, farmers’ rights and plant breeders’ rights: reflections on the African Model Law

    This article discusses the protection of new plant varieties in Africa and the African Model Law through the lens of its key protagonist, Professor Johnson Ekpere. It urges African countries to consult the African Model Law as a guide when designing plant variety protection systems. It is hoped that...

    Subject: Seed system

    Regions: Africa

    Publication year: 2019

    70) Access to and Benefit Sharing of Plant Genetic Resources: Novel Field Experiences to Inform Policy

    A number of national and international policy processes are underway to allow for the development of sui generis systems to protect local natural and genetic resources and related knowledge about their management, use, and maintenance. Despite agreements reached on paper at international and national...

    Subject: Seed system

    Regions: Asia; Latin America and the Caribbean; Near East

    Publication year: 2013