Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (2401-2420 of 18167)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00JN37(not set)Beatrice LilliebjelkeSweden
00KA69(not set)Beatrice MautinoItaly
00QT79(not set)Beatrice MiccoliItaly
00KF21(not set)Beatrice NovaliItaly
00GF65(not set)Beatrice OpertiItaly
00NP51(not set)Béatrice PangSwitzerland
00IC01(not set)Beatrice PorcellatoItaly
00BX23(not set)Beatrice RizziItaly
00HM23(not set)Béatrice vanelslanderBelgium
00MT95(not set)Beatrice VanzanItaly
00GK41(not set)Beatrice ZilioliItaly
00IU07(not set)beatrix de LarouziereFrance
00FN08(not set)Beatrix OroszHungary
00LG51(not set)Beatrix PuskásHungary
00JY49(not set)Beatrix StreubelGermany
00GL59(not set)Beatriz Anderica CubilloSpain
00OD41(not set)Beatriz Arango fdezSpain
00EO26(not set)Beatriz Bueno MárquezSpain
00EK52(not set)Beatriz Castilla DelgadoSpain
00EJ84(not set)Beatriz Díaz HernándezSpain