Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (2361-2380 of 18168)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00ET76(not set)Beata GilPoland
00GE27(not set)Beata ŁukaszewiczPoland
00GA35(not set)Beata MarciniakPoland
00HA89(not set)Beáta PozsgaiHungary
00JH51(not set)Beata PuzioPoland
00LF67(not set)Beate BeuzelinFrance
00KU51(not set)Beate BussemerGermany
00KP21(not set)Beate ErhardGermany
00QD69(not set)Beate Gahr-BeuzelinFrance
00CE31(not set)Beate Gahr-BeuzelinFrance
00ID81(not set)Beate Guldenschuh-BihannicGermany
00KH33(not set)Beate HosallaGermany
00IC59(not set)Beate JäschkeGermany
00NP31(not set)Beate Kehrer-KlemmGermany
00KZ17(not set)Beate KleiderGermany
00QA75(not set)Beate KuhnGermany
00NQ93(not set)Beate LingenfelderGermany
00RB21(not set)Beate PrügerGermany
00QC29(not set)Beate RätheGermany
00MM97(not set)Beate schäffnerGermany