Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (261-280 of 18173)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00GE05(not set)Alberto MartinBelgium
00IY99(not set)Alberto MianiItaly
00PX41(not set)Alberto MugnaioliItaly
00DD55(not set)Alberto PancheriItaly
00JY77(not set)Alberto Pio RupiItaly
00PN57(not set)Alberto PonassiItaly
00BV17(not set)Alberto RebeloPortugal
00IJ65(not set)Alberto RebesanItaly
00JR89(not set)Alberto RivaItaly
00QL67(not set)Alberto robazzaItaly
00GE01(not set)Alberto Rodríguez MartínSpain
00LD89(not set)Alberto SirugoItaly
00KQ39(not set)Alberto SorrentinoItaly
00OO87(not set)Alberto SuffiaItaly
00EP18(not set)Alberto ToimilSpain
00LY61(not set)Alberto ZanchiItaly
00IM69(not set)Albert ReindersNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00DK91(not set)Albina VercellottiItaly
00FH02(not set)Albu IonRomania
00LU59(not set)alcide vezzosiItaly