Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (321-340 of 18164)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00QF19(not set)Alessandra CecconelliItaly
00PF05(not set)Alessandra CenciItaly
00KT93(not set)Alessandra CerroneItaly
00PC07(not set)Alessandra CorradoItaly
00QD51(not set)Alessandra de cuiaItaly
00EU18(not set)Alessandra De FrancescoItaly
00CY97(not set)Alessandra Eleonora CarioliItaly
00QQ83(not set)Alessandra FabbricatoreItaly
00HC55(not set)Alessandra FarinaItaly
00ES54(not set)Alessandra FerraroItaly
00NU33(not set)Alessandra FilippiItaly
00NV55(not set)Alessandra FrigèItaly
00IY17(not set)Alessandra FrigerioItaly
00OR39(not set)Alessandra GastaldelloItaly
00JO75(not set)Alessandra GianniniItaly
00JI77(not set)alessandra grassoItaly
00OA41(not set)Alessandra KalantonisSpain
00OE51(not set)Alessandra KartheuserGermany
00CR25(not set)Alessandra KellerItaly
00KW45(not set)Alessandra LeporeItaly