Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (3501-3520 of 18167)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00LI91(not set)Christèle DouinFrance
00HZ97(not set)christel GiveletFrance
00MV33(not set)Christel HennebelleFrance
00JO17(not set)Christel KrupaGermany
00MX07(not set)Christelle BajotBelgium
00KI49(not set)Christelle BruelFrance
00HF75(not set)Christelle HouletteFrance
00PO59(not set)Christelle LepagnolFrance
00HM93(not set)Christelle RabilGermany
00FZ67(not set)Christel SchultzGermany
00NQ07(not set)Christel TreibGermany
00PL91(not set)Christel VaenerbergFinland
00MS43(not set)christel vandergetenBelgium
00KY81(not set)Christel VerrethBelgium
00KS77(not set)Christiaan BomNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00IM49(not set)Christian ApeltGermany
00FL04(not set)Christian BasFrance
00JV95(not set)Christian BATUTFrance
00OW31(not set)Christian BiolcatiItaly
00HS01(not set)Christian BrinkmannGermany