Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (3521-3540 of 18167)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00DR09(not set)Christian BurghoffGermany
00BZ33(not set)Christian CorbettaItaly
00GP33(not set)Christian CreuzbergerGermany
00PW99(not set)Christian DaetherGermany
00BW53(not set)christian DalmassoFrance
00FF10(not set)Christian DorfmairAustria
00HQ53(not set)Christiane BaumgärtelGermany
00NP21(not set)Christiane BöningGermany
00MT67(not set)Christiane Cuelter-ZilkenGermany
00JV39(not set)Christiane FutGermany
00JG45(not set)Christiane GahlerGermany
00KJ31(not set)Christiane GleichmannGermany
00IG95(not set)Christiane Hellwig-GreskoGermany
00MR81(not set)Christiane hoffmannGermany
00OB63(not set)Christiane HofmannGermany
00KF45(not set)Christiane JahnGermany
00OG51(not set)Christiane KotheGermany
00OW09(not set)Christiane KratzGermany
00FY13(not set)Christiane Le BretonGermany