Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (3921-3940 of 18168)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00RA35(not set)Claudio MolinariItaly
00EV96(not set)claudio NannipieriItaly
00GP27(not set)claudio perinoItaly
00LH61(not set)CLAUDIO PROIETTIItaly
00QY21(not set)claudio ragnoItaly
00PR41(not set)Claudio ResioItaly
00QG51(not set)Claudio RizziItaly
00PH93(not set)Claudio RomaItaly
00QL61(not set)Claudio RulliItaly
00DD31(not set)Claudio RussoItaly
00DG09(not set)Claudio Spegne SchiavoniItaly
00FR90(not set)Claudio StorcèItaly
00PP59(not set)Claudio StorckSwitzerland
00OP39(not set)Claudio TrabalziItaly
00KT07(not set)Claudio VescoviItaly
00LQ49(not set)Claudiu FarcasRomania
00QH39(not set)Claus FangmeierGermany
00PG71(not set)Clausia ErcolinItaly
00JN03(not set)Cleia DetryPortugal
00MW31(not set)Clélie DuriezFrance