Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (3961-3980 of 18168)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00MP03(not set)clotilde casalegnoItaly
00GC05(not set)Clotilde lacarriereFrance
00DR85(not set)Clotilde LOISELFrance
00CI27(not set)Clotilde Pérot-GuillaumeFrance
00KQ11(not set)clovis BouhoursFrance
00CN87(not set)Clovis PontoizeauFrance
00OQ59(not set)Codor StelianRomania
00EL32(not set)cojocariu MariaRomania
00FF40(not set)Colegio Juan de Lanuza (Víctor Roda) 1° BachilleratoSpain
00QD41(not set)Colegio Público GERMEN FERNÁNDEZ CAMPOSpain
00QB13(not set)colegio Virgen de Navalazarza colegioSpain
00QY61(not set)Colette DuezBelgium
00JD07(not set)Colette RibantBelgium
00IQ97(not set)Colette StrubeGermany
00JS77(not set)Colette VulliezFrance
00HD91(not set)Coline MarteauFrance
00EH44(not set)Colin LangFrance
00KZ77(not set)collège Alfred kastler collège Alfred kastlerFrance
00MQ17(not set)Collin De prinsBelgium