Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (5061-5080 of 18168)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00QV93(not set)Elena CucchettiItaly
00IN25(not set)Elena D'AndreaItaly
00PQ11(not set)Elena Della VedovaItaly
00DP09(not set)Elena De MarcoItaly
00EV26(not set)Elena DomingoSpain
00DH39(not set)Elena DomiziItaly
00MC51(not set)Elena draoulecFrance
00JR83(not set)Elena DroghiniItaly
00FY31(not set)Elena ErmertGermany
00PS13(not set)elena facchiniItaly
00IL31(not set)elena ferrariItaly
00HC65(not set)Elena FiorentiniItaly
00JG71(not set)elena foisItaly
00HK41(not set)Elena Francesca CompierchioItaly
00OA05(not set)Elena FrigoItaly
00JB49(not set)Elena GattiItaly
00PI63(not set)Elena GavagninItaly
00DD09(not set)Elena GhezziItaly
00QS19(not set)Elena GiorgettiItaly
00ON47(not set)Elena GuarcoItaly