Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (5081-5100 of 18168)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00DB13(not set)Elena GuidiItaly
00LU53(not set)Elena GuidiItaly
00JE45(not set)Elena HritcuRomania
00FB52(not set)ELENA IZAGUIRRESpain
00OT43(not set)Elena LazzariItaly
00EI30(not set)Elena LecertuaSpain
00IY93(not set)Elena LelliItaly
00PM87(not set)Elena LeoniItaly
00FE70(not set)elena linaresSpain
00QA39(not set)Elena LissanaItaly
00HF47(not set)Elena LombardiItaly
00QV05(not set)Elena LongoItaly
00CA99(not set)Elena MalfattiItaly
00QF53(not set)Elena MartinelliItaly
00FP42(not set)Elena Martínez PardoSpain
00QL63(not set)Elena MillanSpain
00PT63(not set)Elena Minodora RotaruRomania
00ET32(not set)Elena MoralesSpain
00ON15(not set)Elena MorraItaly
00QO73(not set)Elena MottaItaly