Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (981-1000 of 18167)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00IX37(not set)Andreas BergerGermany
00JJ05(not set)Andreas BeschornerGermany
00ME99(not set)Andreas BredeGermany
00KK01(not set)Andreas BreierGermany
00NX03(not set)Andrea SchiederGermany
00JH11(not set)Andrea SchluscheGermany
00JX73(not set)Andrea SchreyerGermany
00CE91(not set)Andreas ChrysanthouCyprus
00QI69(not set)Andrea SchulzeGermany
00PQ75(not set)Andreas DegelGermany
00FP02(not set)Andreas DietrichGermany
00IS61(not set)Andreas DittmarGermany
00KG03(not set)Andreas DörnerGermany
00BZ29(not set)Andrea SerraglioItaly
00KM31(not set)Andreas FrankeGermany
00CB31(not set)Andreas FröhlichGermany
00JG21(not set)Andreas GahlerGermany
00GC25(not set)Andreas GertzGermany
00IE81(not set)Andreas GöbelGermany
00PI15(not set)Andreas GradlGermany