Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (13041-13060 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00HM41(not set)Michèle RomeFrance
00CF75(not set)Michele RubinaccioItaly
00CF77(not set)Michele RubinaccioItaly
00CF79(not set)Michele RubinaccioItaly
00LS99(not set)Michele russoItaly
00BS17(not set)Michele SagratiItaly
00KH91(not set)Michele SamplAustria
00CJ37(not set)Michele SenatoreItaly
00GF77(not set)Michele SinicoItaly
00DB85(not set)Michele SpeggiorinItaly
00HO49(not set)Michele TanturliItaly
00OW23(not set)Michele TarangeloItaly
00CQ57(not set)Michele TelescaItaly
00QJ31(not set)Michele TomaiuoloItaly
00BU49(not set)Michele TomasuloItaly
00HM27(not set)Michele UrrianiItaly
00PI49(not set)Michele ValentiniItaly
00IK87(not set)Michele VaraldaItaly
00EQ18(not set)Michele VARALLIItaly
00HF19(not set)Michel GABILLARDFrance