Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (13101-13120 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00OB21(not set)Miguel Angel ParadaSpain
00FD70(not set)Miguel Ángel pascual CuestaSpain
00EI46(not set)Miguel Ángel Sanz AlbertSpain
00FM24(not set)Miguel Ángel Vilchez GuiradoSpain
00CF83(not set)Miguel Camacho SánchezSpain
00EV00(not set)Miguel Cuetos CorralSpain
00IN23(not set)Miguel De Frutos VelascoSpain
00DS31(not set)Miguel Fernandez SimóPortugal
00CH43(not set)Miguel FreitasPortugal
00EJ94(not set)miguel montoyaSpain
00QJ61(not set)Miguel NavalonSpain
00DA65(not set)Miguel PerdigãoPortugal
00FT86(not set)Miguel Quevedo García de la YedraSpain
00GO69(not set)Miguel Romero RomeroSpain
00CQ23(not set)Miguel SaraivaPortugal
00FE82(not set)Miguel Sevilla GarridoSpain
00GB45(not set)Miguel Tremps CasesSpain
00DI39(not set)Miguel Vega CastelloteSpain
00EG90(not set)Miguel Vega pradaSpain