00AB86 | UGA031 | NARO | National Agricultural Research Organisation | Uganda |
00AD26 | JPN183 | NARO | National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) | Japan |
00AY57 | LAO018 | NAFRI | National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI) | Lao People's Democratic Republic |
00AS31 | BTN026 | NBC | National Biodiversity Centre | Bhutan |
00AS28 | IND001 | NBPGR | National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources | India |
00GZ07 | NGA010 | NACGRAB | National Centre for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology | Nigeria |
00BA09 | EGY087 | NGB | National Gene Bank Egypt | Egypt |
00AQ20 | LBN020 | LARI | National Genebank of the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI) | Lebanon |
00AP30 | TUN029 | BNG | National Genebank of Tunisia | Tunisia |
00AE87 | (not set) | (not set) | National plant Genetic Resources Laboratory | Philippines |
00EX58 | | (not set) | Natividad De Leiva | Spain |
00MC13 | | (not set) | Natividad Sanz Aneiros | Spain |
00HQ31 | | (not set) | nat lekieffre | France |
00GL93 | | (not set) | nat Lenk | France |
00GP79 | | (not set) | Nausicaa Delmotte | Germany |
00JV89 | | (not set) | Nausicaa Valentina Daniza Frusi | Italy |
00FX69 | | (not set) | Nazgol Emrani | Germany |
00OM01 | | (not set) | Nazzareno Pacetti | Italy |
00NB03 | | (not set) | nebi Cetinel | Belgium |
00EK48 | | (not set) | nechifor ilie | Romania |