Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (13481-13500 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00AB86UGA031NARONational Agricultural Research Organisation Uganda
00AD26JPN183NARONational Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO)Japan
00AY57LAO018NAFRINational Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI)Lao People's Democratic Republic
00AS31BTN026NBCNational Biodiversity CentreBhutan
00AS28IND001NBPGRNational Bureau of Plant Genetic ResourcesIndia
00GZ07NGA010NACGRABNational Centre for Genetic Resources and BiotechnologyNigeria
00BA09EGY087NGBNational Gene Bank EgyptEgypt
00AQ20LBN020LARINational Genebank of the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI)Lebanon
00AP30TUN029BNGNational Genebank of TunisiaTunisia
00AE87(not set)(not set)National plant Genetic Resources LaboratoryPhilippines
00EX58(not set)Natividad De LeivaSpain
00MC13(not set)Natividad Sanz AneirosSpain
00HQ31(not set)nat lekieffreFrance
00GL93(not set)nat LenkFrance
00GP79(not set)Nausicaa DelmotteGermany
00JV89(not set)Nausicaa Valentina Daniza FrusiItaly
00FX69(not set)Nazgol EmraniGermany
00OM01(not set)Nazzareno PacettiItaly
00NB03(not set)nebi CetinelBelgium
00EK48(not set)nechifor ilieRomania