Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (13501-13520 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00GR09(not set)Neele HilfGermany
00KP73(not set)Nejc GolobSlovenia
00JL47(not set)Nejc HabjanSlovenia
00LH33(not set)Nele BoesmanBelgium
00QA81(not set)Nele BölingerGermany
00JE89(not set)nele CeustermansBelgium
00LU87(not set)Nele D'HaeseBelgium
00HB89(not set)nele latonBelgium
00KY57(not set)Nele Schäfer-LiedtkeGermany
00LE31(not set)Nele Van den broeckBelgium
00IH65(not set)Nele Van den CruyceBelgium
00MZ39(not set)Nele Van HemelenBelgium
00RA63(not set)Nele VerniersBelgium
00EN22(not set)Nele VranckenBelgium
00DG25(not set)Nélia GasparPortugal
00EV52(not set)Nélida Gallardo GonzálezSpain
00FX41(not set)Nelli PappHungary
00FH36(not set)nello montiItaly
00IW47(not set)Nelly MalletFrance
00IS57(not set)Nelly RichterGermany