Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (13641-13660 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00PQ73(not set)nicole VervoortNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00PV63(not set)Nicole WartenphulGermany
00PE67(not set)Nicole WollschlägerGermany
00QJ23(not set)Nicole ZöchbauerAustria
00HG61(not set)Nicolò BassoliItaly
00RC79(not set)Nicolò CastelnuovoItaly
00BU65(not set)Nicolò CrosatoItaly
00DT27(not set)Nicolò DANZIItaly
00PM21(not set)Nicolò Di MarzioItaly
00PM61(not set)Nicolò ErmolliItaly
00DC27(not set)Nicolò FattoreItaly
00CZ29(not set)Nicolò FranguelliItaly
00OK73(not set)Nicolò GiantinItaly
00JX79(not set)Nicolò IdàItaly
00PQ59(not set)Nicolo LepidiItaly
00DQ01(not set)Nicolò luminariItaly
00JY27(not set)Nicoló PegorerItaly
00CT19(not set)Nicolò SalviItaly
00KU35(not set)Nicolò TravagninItaly
00DG97(not set)Nicolò VedovaItaly