Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (13661-13680 of 18188)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00GQ55(not set)Nico RookmakerNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00DA85(not set)Nico TravagliniItaly
00OY85(not set)Nico WaltherGermany
00LG35(not set)Nico WautersBelgium
00DT89(not set)Nidia BrazPortugal
00LI47(not set)Nido d'infanzia Pollicino Cooperativa TangramItaly
00HE65(not set)Nido piccoli passi Nido piccoli passiItaly
00MU63(not set)Niels BillenBelgium
00JF25(not set)Niels BöttcherGermany
00KY71(not set)Niels DhoedtBelgium
00PY59(not set)Niels HalbergDenmark
00OS79(not set)Niels PoelmanNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00LG99(not set)Niels Van DijckBelgium
00JE27(not set)Niels VelgheBelgium
00KA03(not set)Nienke FaberNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00NX29(not set)Nieves García IglesiasSpain
00KD25(not set)Nieves PérezSpain
00EY26(not set)Nieves Toledo RieraSpain
00CY59(not set)Niilo GustafssonFinland
00QJ53(not set)nika tivadarSlovenia