Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (1381-1400 of 18186)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00FA18(not set)Anna BurekPoland
00PY67(not set)anna CalisiItaly
00CW21(not set)Anna CarafaItaly
00HZ33(not set)Anna CarliniItaly
00DI13(not set)Anna CarminatiItaly
00BY59(not set)Anna ChęćPoland
00LM61(not set)Annachiara RussoItaly
00QK75(not set)Anna ChiozziItaly
00OT03(not set)Anna ContiItaly
00BR99(not set)Anna CsokaHungary
00OI69(not set)Anna Dal CengioItaly
00IP67(not set)Annadebora Ruggiero AnnadeboraItaly
00LP33(not set)Anna DegelaenBelgium
00OR95(not set)Anna Deho’Italy
00DE33(not set)Anna DesiderioItaly
00JP47(not set)Anna De SimoiItaly
00FF16(not set)Anna DimauroItaly
00PV19(not set)Anna Di TonnoItaly
00QL21(not set)Anna DorotyukItaly
00KR35(not set)anna druzdPoland