Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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Registrants (1401-1420 of 18186)
PIDWIEWSAcronymFull nameCountry
00FL34(not set)Anna DurskaPoland
00DV73(not set)Anna DurskaPoland
00IK91(not set)Anna EozinouFrance
00FK18(not set)Anna Erdősné GondaHungary
00OV29(not set)Anna FalezzaItaly
00DF11(not set)Anna FerrariItaly
00IZ13(not set)Anna FeuchtSweden
00NY99(not set)Anna FiegeGermany
00CW37(not set)Anna Filomena UvaItaly
00MU79(not set)Anna Finkers-TomczakNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
00GR91(not set)Anna GabbanellaGermany
00OK49(not set)Anna GagliardiItaly
00DC91(not set)Anna GeremiaItaly
00KA71(not set)Anna GhiottoItaly
00JI23(not set)Anna GiabelliItaly
00GO15(not set)Anna GiniewskaPoland
00BT59(not set)Anna Giulia BettoniItaly
00JE41(not set)Anna Giuseppina MosconiItaly
00IM87(not set)anna GobbiItaly
00DT49(not set)Anna GROTTESIItaly